Another turn of duty as a volunteer this day. As is the norm, I arrived early to have a look round at some of the other areas of the reserve. I started with a visit to Teal hide, virtually next to the visitor centre. There were a number of Black-Headed Gulls close by on the shore, but one bird in particular was doing some impressive diving antics.
After Teal hide, I continued to Swan hide as I had been told that there was a good chance of seeing Kingfishers. However, there was only a Grey Heron in view. Heading back towards the Visitor Centre, I stopped to photograph a female Common Darter dragonfly.
A little further on, I stopped for a Speckled Wood.
Having called in at the Visitor Centre for un update, I set off for Shallow Water hide, where I was told that there were plenty of waders around. I stopped to photograph a Comma on the way.
There were plenty of waders, but the water level was low, and the birds were too far away for my lens. I did, however, manage a 'record shot' of a Curlew.
It was soon time to head off to Waderscrape hide for my turn of duty. As I approached the hide, I found this Common Shrew at the side of the path.
From Waderscrape hide, both the 'local' Ospreys were seen for much of the time, and a third Osprey was on the nest nearest Goldeneye hide for some of the time. The real interest for many, however, were the young Water Rails which were showing quite frequently, and very well. One of the adults was also showing occasionally, but rather distantly.