Having had several unsuccessful owling expeditions - not even finding owls on any of my existing sites (although I haven't tried them all recently), I thought that I'd spent a little time trying to improve the appearance of my blog. Then I thought that I'd better post something to 'try it out'. I've had one of the 'Stealth' chair-hides since the beginning of the year, and it's had some use, but never in my garden - so yesterday I had an hour in it and took a few shots. Nothing very exciting happened, but it was good to see the Wren again after a long absence - must try to do better with Wren images! I know that many birders are very anti-squirrel, but I happen to quite like them. A useful tip - if you are fed up with them nicking all your nuts and burying them, just give the nuts a light mincing in a food processor. They then just eat what they can, and go, leaving plenty for the birds.
House Sparrow