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Monday, 19 January 2015

Scuppered! - mid January, 2015

I've had a rather busy Christmas period and start to the New Year but decided, at the back end of last week to put a post together. It's then that the trouble started. In a nutshell, my photo editing software (Corel) gave up the ghost. I've spent days struggling to reinstate it, and it now seems that I probably have a hardware problem, rather than a software problem. My PC goes in for a full diagnostic check on Wednesday, and then I'll find out just how bad the news is going to be.

Anyway, I currently have no means of editing images, or producing new headers, that I'm familiar with (only Photoshop Elements, which will take a bit of a learning curve to get to grips with). I think I'll just sit tight until I know what I'm facing. It might be a while before I put up a proper post to this blog.

A post without any sort of image goes against the grain with me so here's one 'out of the magic bag', as Bob Bushell would say.

Barn Owl (Tyto alba) - on 30th March, 2013
Best wishes to all.



  1. Sorry to hear of your problems, Richard. Computers can drive us all crazy sometimes and I suspect that most of us only know how to use the programmes we use on a regular basis, but if anything goes wrong we are, as you put it, scuppered. Great shot of the Barn Owl in flight.

    1. Thank you, David. One way or the other I guess I'll get it sorted, but it's just frustrating not knowing what I'm going to be faced with. At worst it could cost me a lot of money, and a heck of a lot of time in rebuilding all the software and loading data. Hopefully I'll know better after tomorrow.

  2. Both the header image and the image in the post are great images Richard. I struggle with computers at time so sadly can't offer any advice of worth, just got my fingers crossed it's software though I had similar with an old version of Capture One that stopped opening up and importing images.

    1. Thank you, Doug. Computers are great when they work. Sadly, we've become so dependent on them that it turns our lives upside down when they don't work! My advancing years mean that I'm not quite so resilient to such problems as I used to be.

      I hope your breakages are healing well. Looking forward to you using your camera gain. Best wishes - - - - Richard

  3. Lovely shot Richard,one of my favourite Owls,hope your PC problems are solvable without to much cost.
    Looking forward to seeing more of your wonderful photography,fingers crossed.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, John. Although I have to be careful with expenditure, with the current state of play I'd rather throw some money at it than (potentially) a few weeks of my time! Hopefully I'll be able to process photos soon.

      Best wishes to you and Sue - - - Richard

  4. Richard, that is awful that your hardware lets you down. I think that is the nightmare of everybody when that happens. Hope it will be fixed soon.

    1. Thank you for your kind wisahes, Roos. I expect that I'll get there soon!

  5. Richard, I hope your problems will be small and not cause too much hardship! In the meantime, rest assured your loyal fans are certain that you are doing good things. Just because we can't see those things does not diminish our respect for your work!

    Okay, that's long enough. Hurry up post new photos! We're suffering from "Pegler Withdrawal Syndrome"!!

    All the best, my friend.

    1. Thank you for your very kind words, Wally. In fact, I've been out very little over the past month, but I hope to have a story or two, and some images, when I regain my facilities!

  6. Good luck with the computer.
    Learning new software is always a struggle. I no longer use Elements but do have Elements 11 loaded so if you have a specific problem then I'll do my best to help.

    1. Thank you for your very kind offer, Adrian. I've been using Corel for too long now (maybe 25 years - but only for photo editng for about 15) to want to switch to another product. I've had a quick look and had a go with Elements now, and don't think it would suit my 'work flow methods'. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that all will work out OK with a rectification of my current set up.

  7. I like the one 'out of the magic bag'. So to hear about your computer troubles

    1. Thank you, Margaret. I'm sure I'll get sorted out eventually!

  8. This looks like the bird we were watching a couple of years ago near to Bosworth?

    1. It certainly is, Paul, although the header is from 2014 and near Burrough. I never saw the 'Bosworth' bird again after that day.

  9. Sorry to hear of your problems, I know only too well what it is like,I had to but a new computer just before Christmas!!! I only know Jasc Paint Shop Pro and using any other programme makes me very flustered! This photo is amazing though. Hope the reminder of 2015 is a good year for you Diane

    1. Thank you, Diane. At my age, learning new software with any sort of complexity is none too easy!

  10. I'm very sorry about your computer Richard. But, your photo of the Barn Owl is excellent, I love it.

    1. Thank you, Bob. Your words are much appreciated.

  11. Lovely picture of your Barn owl. I hope your computer problems are solvable. Did you see Winterwatch tonight? They showed a short film on the Little Owls. A tweet from BTO 'The 5 oldest ringed Little Owls all reached 9 years & were found 13km of where they were ringed'

    1. Thank you, Linda. I only saw the tail-end of Winterwatch, so missed the Little Owl bit. Will watch it today on i-Player. I'm quite surprised at 9 year old LOs - they must have had a very sheltered life. I'm also a little surprised to hear that they ranged up to 13 km from their ringing (natal?) sites. I'd have guessed at a lower figure. It all goes to show that I've still got a lot to learn!!!

  12. Oh dear,
    I feel sorry for you!
    At Xmas time, I had computer troubles too, this time with the laptop.
    That's why I switched to Apple with a Mac book.
    I hope your problem gets sorted out quickly, it is difficult to do without a computer nowadays!!
    Anyway, that is a great photo you pulled out of your files... would we have seen it without this problem???!!
    Keep well Richard
    PS: By the way, where did you get the idea it was my birthday, as you mentioned in the latest buzzard post??
    It is not before end of march...!!! ;-)

    1. Thanks, Noushka. Looks like my Corel software has died as a result of an update to Windows or Macafee. Corel say my version is now unsupported, so I have to think about an expensive purchase of the latest version of Corel, or whether to migrate to a more mainstream application such as Photoshop (even more expensive!). I've more than 20 years experience with Corel, so migration will not be an easy decision. This then makes me think that, if I'm loading new software, it might be the right time to buy a new (=more powerful) PC so that I can process bigger files when I buy that 24.3 megapixel D610 ;-}

      The owl photo was previously published on my blog in April 2013!

      I'll reply re your birthday by e-mail. Sorry for the error!

    2. Hi Richard,
      I didn't have the time to expand more when I posted my comment, but since I am stuck indoors because of the dull weather - it looks like it is settling in for the whole week :( - I am taking the time now.
      Interesting what you say about Corel, this was the first software I started with in south Africa in the mid 80's. I used it to draw birds essentially and since then I always use it for any graphic creation! I find more friendly than Adobe Illustrator in which many manipulations are inversed, especially when fiddling with the nodes!
      On the other hand, I have never tried it to enhance photos.
      Cheers, have a gret evening!

    3. I've seen some amazing stuff done with Coreldraw, Noushka, but what I do is very basic indeed. It's Corel Photopaint that I use all the time to work on my photos, and I'm pleased with the way it suits my work flow. It's even better now that I've got the new PC!

      I hope your weather is improving - it's very cold and a bit breezy here, but bright with sunshine at the moment - sadly, however, I've got to stay in for various people that are coming today.

  13. Maybe you've cooked your PC after all the 2014 images !
    No wonder its given up !
    Operating solely on mob phone here, so no images for me for a while.
    Hope u sorted soon. Cheers

    1. Thanks, Stevie. You could be right about over-cooking my PC ;-}. Sorry I've not published your comment before now, as I've been without my PC since last Tuesday. Still not able to process photos, and still not sure what the solution will be!!

      Sorry to hear that you're without the ability to post images other than those from your phone. Delighted that you're now posting regularly to your blog, however.

      Best wishes - - - - Richard


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