
Notes on Use of This Blog

1. I have a policy that I always reply to comments on my blog, even if it's just to say thank you.

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3. I'm now on Twitter - @RichardPegler1

Monday, 29 July 2019

Apologies and an Explanation

Some of you may have noticed noticed that my presence in Bloggerland and Twitter has been a bit thin on the ground of late. This is largely because I have not enjoyed good health for much of this summer.

At the end of March I started a chest infection which I'm now told was probably pneumonia. To cut a long story short it seems that this progressed through pneumonia to what is commonly called pleurisy, being knocked back a couple of times on the way by antibiotics. However, after an evening visit on Friday 12th July to photograph butterflies and orchids on our local bypass, during which I was feeling somewhat groggy, I developed extremely severe chest pains and by mid-day Saturday I was on my way to hospital in an ambulance (a lifetime 1st for me!).

I got out of hospital late in the evening of Friday 26th July, not cured, but self medicating with more antibiotics for a couple of weeks. The future is a little uncertain at the moment as I will have a review with the pleurisic team and then the thoracic surgery team in a couple of weeks time, when they will decide whether or not I should have surgery. In any case I have been advised that it will probably be months rather than weeks before I'm fully functioning again.

I am, sorry to say that I have not found the ability to visit blogs and Twitter accounts of many of my friends during the past couple of weeks or so, which I very much regret as I get great inspiration from these. As I cannot sit at my PC for long at the moment, it is unlikely that the situation will change in the near future and, with apologies, I am not going to be able to retrospectively visit your past posts for a while. I will, however, try to reply to all comments, as I can do that with relative ease from my tablet.

The image is of a crochet nurse, made by our wonderful daughter, and brought to my bedside to guard over me.

My apologies, again - I hope to be able to catch up with you in the not-too-distant future.


  1. Richard you don't need to apologise for being ill. Getting old is a real bugger at times but better than the alternative.
    Do as little or as much as you can. Blogger should not make anyone feel guilt. There is more to life than Blogging.

    1. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement, Adrian.

  2. Richard, Gini and I wish you Godspeed. Take care of yourself and heal. Don't even think about trying to respond to your millions of adoring fans. We understand!

    1. Your kind wishes are much appreciated, thank you. Lindsay's making sure I take good care. Not sure about 'adoring fans' - not had one of those since my musician days, and then you could probably count them on one hand!

  3. Richard - Take care of yourself, take all the time you need, get well and come back. David and Miriam

    1. Lindsay's doing a splendid job of making sure I don't overdo it, David, but I'm determined to get back on my feet as soon as sensibly possible. My love to you both - - - Richard

  4. I might have know something was amiss Richard I haven't seen you on B2B since 7 July.

    The sentiment is a bit overused I know, but hope you get well soon.

    My Kind Regards


    1. Thank you, Pete. I feel that I'm already making a little progress. Best wishes - - - Richard

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, Mike. Resorting to 'from study window' photography at the moment!

  6. Dear Richard, I thought as much that something like this was the matter with your health as you told before. Apologies to us as bloggers for not reacting on our blogs is not neccessary at all. The one thing we do not have control over is our health. And when one becomes ill the only thing that matters is getting better. Therefore I do wish you a speady recovery and wise doctors to help you get your strenght back in the best possible way so you can enjoy nature at its best together with your wife Lindsey.

    1. Thank you so much for those very kind, and much-appreciated, words, Roos. I'll get there!
      My very best wishes - - - Richard

  7. Wishing you a speedy recovery Richard. I hope you are back out sooner rather than later. Nature in itself is one of the best ways of healing, be it photos or just being out in your garden listening to the wildlife_uk. All the best.

    1. Thank you, Marc. Fortunately I have a relatively wildlife-rich garden to keep me entertained. Would prefer it if we had a pond too, but Mrs P. has a phobia for frogs! My best wishes - - - Richard

  8. I had certainly noticed that you had been AWOL and this post arrived just in time for me to write a comment other than an email. I had been pondering on an email for the past week and you probably would have got one today. Just take care and relax and take it easy. Getting your health back is the most important thing in life.

    'Our' Little Owl has made its presence known a lot in the last few weeks maybe because of the heat and I suspect easy eating in the paddock next to our house where they keep sheep. Lots of tasty insects. It has certainly made me think of you often.

    We will all still be here (I hope) when you are back to fitness again. Lots on for us this year. Visitors from the USA arriving soon for almost 3 weeks, then October/November we will be in South Africa for 5 weeks. If it is anything like the last visit it will take me months to go through all the photos afterwards.

    Will think of you often and look forward to your return to blogging, take care and best wishes to you both Diane

    1. Wow, Diane, you do have a busy time ahead of you! I wish you all the best for those visits.

      I am delighted to hear that you've had regular sightings of the Little Owl - and somewhat jealous as it has been too long since I saw one!

      Thank you so much for your very kind words. At the moment, things seem to be going in the right direction. With my best wishes - - - Richard

    2. I was in the kitchen this evening when I heard 'that' sound. Looked out of the kitchen window and there was the Little Owl sitting on our barn roof. I took a few shots from the window, and then as it did not seem worried by my presence, I walked around from the back of the house into the garden. It must have hung around for over 10 mins, watching scratching and generally looking around. 😉 Wish you were here.

    3. Careful, Diane - I might be tempted!!

    4. Only a pleasure but we are away a lot this year.

  9. Dear Richard, sorry to hear you are not in the best of health.
    Wishing you all the best for a speedy recovery. Sue & John.

    1. Thank you, both. It'll take time, but I'll get there!

  10. Oh no! I've been wondering how you're doing, but now I know it. Hope you heal soon, patience for recovery.

    1. Thank you, Anne. I'm being very careful, and my wife is keeping an eye on me!

  11. Get well soon Richard. I hope your health will be better soon.

  12. I am terribly sorry for yourself. Keep your chin up.

    1. Thank you, Bob - I'm doing OK but just having to take it easy for a while!

  13. Hello old friend.
    Sorry to hear about your poor health,hope you make a fall recovery,Blog land needs you back.
    regards John.

    1. Thank you, John. I'm working on it! Best wishes to you and Sue - - - Richard

  14. Hello Richard
    all the best for you, and get well soon, you'll be fit enough again soon and you'll be back on a photo tour ... :-))
    Greetings Frank

    1. Thank you, Frank. If all works out well, my wife will take me out for a short drive next week, and maybe I'll find something to photograph?! Best wishes - - - Richard


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