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Saturday, 22 August 2020

Leicestershire Wildlife Sessions - 27th July to 9th August, 2020

I have got rather behind with my blog posts. I must try and catch up. In the meantime, here is an account of several visits 'into the wild' to seek nature and some photo opportunities.

Thursday, 30th July

It had been many months since I had visited the eastern part of the county and so this was my destination this day.

I set off late morning, stopping for lunch at a gateway that I favour as picnic site. I was delighted to see that it looked as if I would have company - albeit at rather more 'social distance' than was necessary. My companion was a Little Owl which was sitting in a tree at a distance of around 200 metres.

As I parked, I saw a small bird on a post opposite, a little too far away to positively identify through my binoculars. Having reviewed my photos, I can confirm that my suspicions were correct - a Redstart (probably a juvenile)!

Redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus) - near my Little Owl site No.34
A gentle amble down the road before lunch took me to a place only 70 metres from the Little Owl. I took a few photos, and it was only when I got home and looked at the photos on the screen that I realised that, as well as the adult that I'd been photographing, a juvenile was present. It only featured in my shots as the adult had been so far away. Both these tightly cropped shots feature both owls - you might struggle to see the adult owl in the second shot?

Little Owl (Athene noctua) (juvenile and adult) - my LO Site No.34
These next two very heavily cropped images show just the adult.

Little Owl (Athene noctua) - my LO Site No.34
After a quick lunch I took a stroll down the road again and took some more shots of the adult owl which was now out on a branch, and I still didn't notice the juvenile which had also moved and can be seen in the second less cropped shot.

Little Owl (Athene noctua) - my LO Site No.34
My next destination was Eyebrook reservoir. I was hoping to see some birds, but I also wanted to check and see if the Willow Emerald Damselflies - a species new to the county in 2019 - were in evidence.  En route I made a brief stop to visit a small pond in the hope of seeing some dragonflies. I only had a brief view of a male Emperor which I couldn't re-locate, but I did spot a couple of day-flying moths.

Brown China-mark (Elophila nymphaeata) - near Stockerston
Common Carpet (Epirrhoe alternata) - near Stockerston
I spent some time looking for the Willow Emerald Damselflies at Eyebrook, and was briefly fooled by a female Banded Demoiselle behaving like a Willow Emerald and landing in the willow tree on the south side of the bridge. In the event, nothing axciting was seen or photographed in the way of birds, and I spent my time with dragonflies and damselflies.

Banded Demoiselle (Calopteryx splendens) (male) - Eyebrook
Banded Demoiselle (Calopteryx splendens) (female) - Eyebrook
Common Darter (Sympetrum striolatum) (male) - Eyebrook
It was a warm day, and a Ruddy Darter started obelisking - a raising of the abdomen to point skywards to reduce the amount of heat absorbed. I fluffed the final shot, but include it here as I have never seen the underside of a Ruddy Darter's abdomen before, and was quite surprised by the markings!

Ruddy Darter (Sympetrum sanguineum) (male) - Eyebrook
It was time to head homeward as I wanted to call in to see our daughter on my way home. I made a quick stop at Launde Abbey to look at the pool there but found, to my dismay, that the pool had dried up to the extent that I could walk across it without getting wet/muddy feet. I took a shot of a Small Skipper while there.

Small Skipper (hymelicus sylvestris) (male) - Launde Abbey
I had a very pleasant hour chatting on the drive of our daughter's house while social-distancing (I'd taken a folding chair with me) before I need to depart for personal comfort reasons!

Stopping at a convenient point on my way home, I diverted to look at a pond that I'd not previously found to be overly productive, and took a few more shots of dragonflies and damselflies. Sadly, at this time of the afternoon, I was shooting into the sun. I managed a poor shot of a rather tatty Emperor, and some slightly better shots of an Emerald Damselfly - my first of the year. 

Emperor (Anax imperator) (male) - near Cropston

Emerald Damselfly (Lestes sponsa) (male) - near Cropston
It was only when I got home that I found that a distant Red-eyed Damselfly, that I'd grabbed a couple of frames of before giving up because of the poor situation and lighting conditions, was in fact a Small Red-eyed Damselfly - a 'lifer' for me - and so will appear here in spite of being 'just a record shot'.

Small Red-eyed Damselfly (Erythromma viridulum) (male) - near Cropston
Friday, 31st July

I made a late morning visit to a local dragonfly location. It was breezy and nothing unusual was seen but I did get a few photo opportunities. 

The only birds photographed that morning were Mute Swans. It was good to see the pair with cygnets looking comfortable.

Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) - Saltersford Valley
Common Darters were the mainstay of the dragonflies showing that day.

Common Darter (Sympetrum striolatum) (male) - Saltersford Valley
Common Darter (Sympetrum striolatum) (male + female) - Saltersford Valley
Ruddy Darters were also present.

Ruddy Darter (Sympetrum sanguineum) (male) - Saltersford Valley
Not long before I left, a female Brown Hawker, came alongside the boardwalk and decided to oviposit on the boardwalk support, in deep shade. I took several shots in the few seconds before she disappeared under the boardwalk, but most of the shots were totally unusable - which is not surprising as the lens was at its full 500 mm and the shutter speed came in at 1/60s! This one just about makes it.

Brown Hawker (Aeshna grandis) (female) - Saltersford Valley
Wednesday, 5th August

It's not often in these Covid times that I manage to get out with Lindsay as she doesn't have the ability to walk far without sitting down for a rest, and neither of us are going anywhere where we will find ourselves unable to social-distance from the rest of the population. This day, however, was very windy and Lindsay felt she needed to get out into the fresh air. We did a bit of a drive around, looking for places where we might be able to park and take a short stroll in the countryside. In this, we were not very successful. We found ourselves parking on the dam of Cropston reservoir and taking a short walk (I went on a rather longer walk), and afterwards heading for Swithland reservoir where, again, we parked on the dam in order to have a brief walk about. I did take the camera' just in case', but little was seen. Here are a few very common items.

Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus) - Cropston Reservoir

Black-headed Gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) - Cropston Reservoir
Tufted Duck (Aythya fuligula) - Cropston Reservoir
Black-headed Gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) - Swithland Reservoir
Friday, 7th August

I had another day out, departing late morning, and taking a picnic lunch with me. My main objective was to try and find Small Red-eyed Damselfly again near Cropston. This turned out to be a somewhat unproductive visit, with little seen or photographed, and no sign of the hoped-for damselfly.

Blue-tailed Damselfly (Ischnura elegans) (male + female in cop) - near Cropston
Emerald Damselfly (Lestes sponsa) (male) - near Cropston
Common Darter (Sympetrum striolatum) (male) -near Cropston
I then moved on to Cossingtom Meadows in the hope of finding some birds to photograph. On arrival I waited for two gentlemen with cameras to exit through the gate, who kindly informed me of what they'd seen, which included common fare, and "lots of dragonflies which refused to settle". 

On entering, I was soon delighted to find my first Brimstone of the summer.

Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni) (male) - Cossington Meadows
I soon saw what the gentlemen had mentioned - there were numerous Brown Hawkers around, none of which were obliging. 

I didn't get clear views of any birds until I got to Tern Pool, and here I only found common camera fodder.

Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) (female) - Cossington Meadows
Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) - Cossington Meadows
Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) + Little Egret (Egretta garzetta) - Cossington Meadows
Little Egret (Egretta garzetta) - Cossington Meadows
Having reached the northern end of Cossington Meadows I cut over westward to the River Soar and made my way southward. I was seeing many more Brown Hawkers now. At one point I stopped at a point where I had a reasonable view of the river - it had been hidden from view by tall vegetation for much of the way. I noticed a couple of damselflies, and couldn't believe what I was seeing at first - two Small Red-eyed Damselflies! I'd had a self-found 'lifer' just eight days before, and here I was with two more of the same species at anothewr self-found location. 

I watched these two males for some time from the high river bank. They had several altercations with each other, but they never came near for decent photography, but at least my shots are good enough to confirm the species!

Small Red-eyed Damselfly (Erythromma viridulum) (male) - River Soar, Cossington Meadows
After this, on the hottest day of the year, it seemed a long walk back to my car, where I had a break for my lunch before heading to my next destination. 

My last stop of the day was at Sence Valley Park, where I thought I'd have another check of the area that I'd been invited to monitor. I have to admit that I was flagging somewhat by now, and my survey was far from thorough. 

Soon after entering the area barred from public access, I was delighted to spot a Common Blue butterfly, and then another as I reached the first pond. I have seen worryingly few of these this year.

Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus) (male) - Sence Valley
Although in smaller numbers, there was a similar mix of Odonata to that on my previous visit. However, I didn't see Broad-bodied Chaser, but there were now Common Darter present, which there hadn't been on my previous visit. The other thing of note was the absence of females.

There was an obliging Black-tailed Skimmer which decided to perch on a stem, rather than on the ground.

Black-tailed Skimmer (Orthetrum cancellatum) - Sence Valley
One of the Common Darters was also fairly cooperative.

Common Darter (Sympetrum striolatum) (male) - Sence Valley
As I was about to leave the pond area, I found a large aquatic beetle had climbed out onto a stem. I do not know what species this was, but suspect that it might have been Colymbetes fuscus.

aquatic beetle - Sence Valley
By now, I was feeling the results of being on my feet and out in the heat for several hours, and it was time to go home and cool off.

This brings to a close my account of my forays for the fortnight.

Thank you for dropping by. I'm not sure what my next blog post will feature, but suspect that it will either be my garden observations or more excursions away from home. In the meantime, take great care and stay safe.


  1. Hello Richard, Nice to see that you have been busy. Good photography and variety. Stay safe. Mike.

    1. Thank you for those kind words, Mike. Not managed to be so busy with the camera since then, but fingers are crossed. Take great care - - - Richard

  2. You have been a busy man. That was some read backed up as normal by some lovely photography. Well done with the Small Red eyed Damselfly sightings. Take care.

    1. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement, Marc. Sadly, not been quite so busy with the camera in the past two weeks - only been out twice, and only for short visits. Too many distractions needing my attention at home! My very best wishes - stay safe - - - Richard

  3. Seems like you are venturing forth more frequently, Richard. How wonderful that Little Owls joined you for lunch! You would be in seventh heaven here at present. I don't think I have seen so many dragonflies for many a year and butterflies and moths seem to be prolific too. We just spent a couple of days with my daughter and family in Ottawa but mostly stayed in the backyard except for one walk through the woods.

    1. It was a short burst of energy, David, which sadly has not been replenished. Too many things up in the air at home in these past two weeks!

      Seems like I could do with a vacation in your neck of the woods with all those dragons and butterlies - I guess I'll have to content myself with a forthcoming visit to The Scillies - now that's going to be a bit of an adventure and challenge in these Covid times!

      Delighted to hear that you were able to spend time with your daughter and family. It's times like that that are to be cherished to the full!

      My best wishes to you and Miriam. Take great care - - - Richard

  4. Hi Richard I am also far behind. Firstly the dehydrator will not switch on and we need someone to look at it - problem here in France- so I have been spending hours in the kitchen making Fig chutney and bottling them whole in syrup, very time consuming. Secondly the WiFi has been running between 0.1 and 0.3 and I am pulling my hair out. It has just taken 20 mins to download your post.

    Love all you photos and delighted that you have seen the Little Owls. I am hearing ours from time to time but I have not seen them. As for the Blue butterflies, everyone here is commenting how few there are around!! We have not had many here at the house but I have been lucky enough to spot a Short-tailed Blue and a Long-Tailed Blue neither of which I have seen before so something exciting at least.

    Keep well and stay safe. Best wishes to you both, Diane

    1. Sorry to hear about your dehydrator fault, Diane. I can imagine how inconvenient to you that must be with all that wonderful produce from your garden waiting to be processed. You might find it cheaper to buy a replacement from - dare I say it? - Amazon, rather than get it repaired, although the repair would probably be a more ecologically sound option. Too much of what is offered today is not repairable, but considered to be 'throw away' when it goes faulty. Technology is fine when it works but, as you well know through your slow internet, extremely frustrating when it doesn't!

      So pleased to hear that your Little Owls are still with you, even if you aren't seeing them at the moment. I am very envious of you having Short-tailed AND Long-tailed Blues!

      Still having great problems here with service providers (phone and electricity) but, other than that and concerns about our daughter and granddaughter, all is well here. Take great care and stay safe - - - Richard


    2. Our Dehydrator is top of the range Excaliber at £250, it ought to be able to be fixed! We are not getting any help from the company so we are hoping our French electrician will be back fro his holidays tomorrow and can see what the problem is. None of the ones on Amazon can hold nearly as much as ours can. :-(((

    3. I should have realised that you'd have nothing but the best, Diane! I hope you can get it fixed soon.

  5. No worries! I'm lagging so badly on blogger. I try and post when I can but it has been crazy over here with work. I love all your birds. Those Little Owls sure do live in some fairy tale settings. Glad you are out and about and doing well. All my best. Chris and Micheal

    1. I don't have work as an excuse for getting behind on blogger, Chis - just old age and the complexities of working around the hazards of this coronavirus!

      Take great care and stay safe - - - Richard

  6. Hello Richard, wow these are some great observations and photos of it all. Damselflies, dragonflies all kinds and sorts amazing. Your photos of them are stunning with great details, setting! LO you must have been over joyed to see them on such a wonderful tree. Also love your photos of them. The photos of the various butterflies are jewels. Did you find it also a bad butterfly year? Great you also encountered a Little Egret.
    Good to see you were out and about with great result.

    1. Thank you for your very kind encouragement, Roos. However, I am not seeing and photographing as many birds as I would like to, so I might need to come over there to see your Little Crake!

      I get the impression that it has not been a good year for most butterfly species, but some seem to have done well. However, I cannot be sure as I have not managed to visit some of my favourite butterfly locations because of the coronavirus situation. The weather has not helped as it has suddenly changed from hot and dry to cold, wet and windy and many of the flowers that the butterflies like have already gone. This has been the strangest year that I have ever experienced in so many ways!

      I hope that all is well with you - stay safe - - - Richard

  7. Hello Richard
    Dragonflies are the worst for me when I'm supposed to take a picture, they never stand still or fly where I am not .. ;-)
    that's why I am happy about your pictures, because I know how mine will never look, even the little owl has done it to me, when I roam around I always look in the trees to see if I see something,
    great report
    greetings Frank

    1. Hi Frank. Dragonflies can be very difficult to photograph, especially when they are in flight. I usually have to give up after half an hour to an hour of trying as my arms start aching! It helps, sometimes, if it is windy and the dragonfly is flying into the wind as their land-speed is then slower!

      Little Owls can be very difficult to find sometimes, even when you know there is one there somewhere. This was not the first time that I have taken a photo of an owl and found to my surprise that another one was also present - and I suspect, and hope, that it might not be the last time.

      Best wishes - - - - - Richard

  8. My apologies for the late comments.

    Very happy you were able to get out for some fresh air and exploration. Your series of superb photographs underscores your successful efforts!

    Congratulations on a first! The Red-eyed Damselfly is stunning!

    It must have been gratifying to find the Little Owls. Impressive camouflage.

    Try not to overdo it! I know from experience how difficult it is to stay home when you long to be in the field, but we want you healthy!

    Gini and I send our best to both you and Lindsay.

    1. I don't know how I missed replying to this comment, Wally. My apologies!

      It had been too long without an owl, so I was delighted to see these - even if they were rather a long way away.

      Lindsay and I are getting out and about a bit now. We've both started to make the occasional visits to supermarkets, but only the less popular ones and a quiet times. I even visited a hardware store today as I was running out of building sand for the paving job that I'm working on at present. We are, however, still being extremely cautious, particularly as it looks as if we are at the start of a second wave of this dreadful virus.

      Both of you take great care - - - Richard

  9. Hi Richard,
    wow ....... beautiful pictures of the little owl! I love these owls and I was lucky enough to see a couple with three little ones with us. This one of you is so beautiful in the tree and that is a beautiful sight :-)
    In addition, I see beautiful meadow brook damsels and other dragonflies.
    Also beautiful butterflies and insects. Your butterflies are absolutely super sharp and the dragonflies are also nice and sharp. Macro photography is very good for you. My compliments.
    Greetings, Helma

    1. Thank you, Helma. I'm absolutely delighted that you were able to see a whole family of Little Owls. They really are such wonderful creatures to watch.

      Stay safe! Best wishes - - - Richard


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