I spent a couple of hours, on Friday afternoon, wandering the Staunton Harold estate, primarily to check on owls (none seen!), but also to investigate the perimeter of the lake (which is not open to the public, but for which I have permission). Nothing of particular interest was seen but I do like to try and keep my hand in, photographically speaking, so am not averse to photographing the commonplace.

I then took my car up to 'the Round Car Park' for a few minutes. In the winter, the wall is completely strewn with seed, and it is often difficult to get anywhere near it to view and photograph the birds. Now people seem to have given up completely and most of the birds have departed. The large colony of Tree Sparrows is still here, however, but a bit distant for photography, particularly with the new leaf growth getting in the way. A couple of squirrels and a few birds were attracted by my scattering of seed and nut mix.

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