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Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Local Waxwings - on 11th and 12th December, 2010

At the end of November, we had 39 Waxwings just 100 metres down the road from us. They only stayed a day, and then they were gone. However, on 9th December a single Waxwing appeared in the same place. After a few minutes, this also disappeared. However, two days later, Waxwings returned, and there were (as far as I can remember!) 28 of them this time, most of which are shown in the image below. The weather was, again, unfortunately rather dull, although it did get brighter briefly a couple of times.

I've only just got round to processing these images, as I went away shortly after I took them.

Waxwings on the roost tree

In spite of the dull weather, I did manage a number of shots which, I believe, show some of the character of these birds. The obvious features to go for are the dumpiness, the crests, the fabulous 'candle' markings on the wings, the quarrelsome look on the faces, the acrobatics, and the sheer greed of their feeding. Please excuse me indulging myself by publishing rather a lot of images. This is probably the only time I will see Waxies on my street!

Waxwings - on 11th December, 2010

The Waxies were back there again the following day, although extremely mobile. The weather, however, was even more dull.

Waxwings - on 12th December, 2010

I don't know if the birds returned after this, as I went off to Hungary for the best part of a week. However, I suspect that they did return as the feed tree was stripped bare by the time I returned.


  1. Hi Richard, beautiful birds, I am green with envy, I have never seen this bird yet. Lovely pictures:)

  2. Hi Linda. It's great to hear from you. I was beginning to wonder where you'd got to as you haven't posted anything since August. I hope that all is well with you.

    We are very lucky here in the Midlands as we can usually find a Waxie or two most years. However, this year the numbers have been ridiculously high, and I don't think that anyone has had to go very far to see them.

    All the best for 2011 - looking forward to a posting from you (in the not too distant future?)

    Thanks and best regards - Richard

  3. Lovely pics of Waxys. You can never have too many of them! Dave & Lisa

  4. Hi Dave & Lisa. Great to hear from you! Just sent you a message, Dave, to say that I can't make the walk on Sunday as the boss has arranged for me to be somewhere else! All the best for 2011!!


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