I went to Attenborough Nature Reserve today, to see if I could see a Bittern. Thanks to people already there, I quickly saw the first (a 'lifer' for me - I've only heard them before!). I did not have to wait long before a second bird came out of the reeds, hopped over the fence, and walked along the ice to close by the first. Eventually it wandered off again and then flew into the distant left. Soon, what was probably a third bird was spotted much closer to us (although we had lost sight of the first bird by then). However, this kept itself hidden in the reeds. Just as I was about to leave, another bird was seen on the very far side of the water. All the distances were much too far for my lens to do anything sensible with, so the pics are strictly 'record' shots, but it was nice to get two Bitterns in one picture - I promise you it is there, but you will almost certainly have to double-click the picture in order to stand a chance of finding it!
The day, for me, was not lost photographically, as the local Ruddy Shelduck was obligingly located.
The day, for me, was not lost photographically, as the local Ruddy Shelduck was obligingly located.

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