This year, we returned to The New Forest in Hampshire for a family vacation. Lindsay and I were joined by our daughter, Melanie, and granddaughter Georgie for the duration. We stayed at a place just outside Lyndhurst, where we have been fortunate enough to stay on three previous occasions.
A few days before our departure on 7th July, the long-term weather forecast
indicated that we were not in for a good weather week. This is how the stay unfolded - this first instalment is, I'm afraid, a rather long one!
Friday, 7th July Ashby de la Zouch to Lyndhurst ; Cadnam Common ; Eyeworth Pond
Lindsay and I left home at 09.50, with the satnav set to 'avoid motorways'
to give us a more countrified and leisurely journey. Our route was a familiar
one to us and included a lunch stop at one of our favourite places to eat - the
White Hart in Ashton Keynes, which is near the source of the River Thames. We
arrived at 13.45, and both of us had their excellent Ploughman's Lunch which consisted
of two types of cheese, pork pie, a hard-boiled egg, ham, salad, coleslaw, two
types of pickle, and three different warm crusty breads.
Afterwards, it is our norm to have a short walk beside the Thames, but
Lindsay didn't fee up to it on this occasion, so I went alone. There are usually
a few damselflies around but I only had a fleeting glimpse of one unidentified
blue damselfly.
You might be surprised at how small the Thames is at this point.
River Thames - Ashton Keynes
Our onward journey was equally slow and, due to the main road being closed
because of an accident, involved a long diversion down a narrow country lane
behind a vehicle with a trailer that had to stop every time we met something
coming in the opposite direction.
We arrived at Japonica Cottage, our home for the next seven nights, at
17.30. Our daughter and granddaughter, who had travelled separately and taken a
totally different route, arrived just five minutes after we did.
Once we were all settled in, because it was a beautiful sunny evening and
possibly the last we'd get. I went out to try and find some dragonflies at
Cadnam Common. Being a little unfamiliar with this place, which is quite complex
in its layout, having parked my car, I decided to what3words its location so
that I could find it again. If you are not familiar with what3words it's a app
which can specify an exact location (to within a metre?) anywhere on the planet
with a unique combination of three words, and provide directions to get to that
point. You can probably imagine my amazement when the what3words for my car's
position came up as 'dragonfly.confident.dwelled' !
On my way to the pond, I saw a couple of large hawker dragonflies
interacting high up in a distant tree then lost them. At the pond I initially
only saw a couple of Emperor dragonflies that were zooming around at high speed. I tried for about 15 minutes to get
some flight shots as they were not settling, and failed. I gave up, and made a circuit of
the pond, only finding a Broad-bodied Chaser.
Broad-bodied Chaser (Libellula depressa) (male) - Cadnam Common
I then went back to keep an eye on the Emperors, and noted that one looked as if
it wanted to settle. After half an hour, it did, but not in a very good
Emperor (Anax imperator) (male) - Cadnam Common
The evening was still relatively young, and I didn't want an evening meal,
so I decided to head off to Eyeworth Pond to see what might be around. As I was walking back to my car at Cadnam Common, I noticed that the 'heather' flowers were attractive to bees.
Cross-leaved Heath (Erica tetralix) - Cadnam Common
Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) - Cadnam Common
Arriving at Eyeworth Pond, I found that, sadly, the bright
low evening sun was in the totally wrong direction for the only accessible side
of the pond. I did take a few photos, but nothing special was observed or
By the dam end of the pond there were a couple of ponies grazing. Here is one of them.
New Forest Pony - Eyeworth Pond
On the opposite side of the track to the pond, there was a small water-filled gully, and a Blue-tailed Damselfly was ovipositing there. The sunlight was a bit strong and horizontal for a good shot.
Blue-tailed Damselfly (Ischnura elegans) (female, f. rufescens) Eyeworth Pond
I wandered back to the car as a family that had been having a picnic just a short way from the car park were packing their car ready to depart. One of them kindly informed me that he'd been surprised to find Sundew beside where they'd been sitting. I went to have a look but found nothing, but I did take some photos of a bright yellow flower which, I believe, is Bog Asphodel.
Bog Asphodel (Narthecium ossifragum) - by Eyeworth Pond |
It was only when processing my photos, more than a week after this, that I found that I'd actually taken a shot that evening which, unbeknown to me at the time, included Sundew lurking in a corner !!! The most likely candidate (thanks to Conehead54) is Round-leaved Sundew.
Sundew (Drosera rotundifolia?) - by Eyeworth Pond
It was then time to head back to base and have a relaxing rest of the
evening with the girls.
As it was a fine evening, I spent a little time sitting in the garden with a glass of cider. This is the view of our cottage from my position.
Japonica Cottage - New Forest
We turned in rather late for Lindsay and I, at about 23.00.Saturday, 8th July Keyhaven Marshes ; Crockford Stream
The day started dull, and it was soon raining. However, the forecast said
that the rain would stop locally by mid morning. It also suggested that
Keyhaven, on the south coast, would be relatively dry this day. Keyhaven is a
place that I have visited twice before and can be an interesting place for
finding birds. As the day looked as if it would be a dead loss for looking for
dragonflies, this is where I went.
I set off from base at about 10.20 after the rain had stopped, and arrived
at my chosen parking place near Keyhaven at 10.50. From here I had a quite
productive walk, and found myself photographing mainly birds and
butterflies, with butterflies being the main subjects as I started out from the car park and headed for the sea wall.
Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) (adults + young) - Keyhaven Marshes
Small Heath (Coenonympha pamphilus) - Keyhaven Marshes
Peacock (Aglais io) - Keyhaven Marshes
On reaching the sea wall, I took the lower path that runs to the west, adjacent to the two lagoons. At Fishtail Lagoon I was, initially, confused by several ducks on the water. However, the penny dropped and I realised that, for the first time, I was seeing juvenile Shelduck, and in good numbers too.
Shelduck (Tadorna tadorna) (juvenile) - Keyhaven Marshes
Black-tailed Godwit on the island of the lagoon were mainly asleep, but one that wasn't seemed to be trying to be inconspicuous.
Black-tailed Godwit (Limosa limosa) - Keyhaven Marshes
I continued on the lower track, photographing a few other items as I went.
Reed Bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus) (female) - Keyhaven Marshes
Parsley Water-dropwort (Oenanthe lachenalii) - Keyhaven Marshes
Small Skipper (Thymelicus sylvestris) (female) - Keyhaven Marshes |
Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus) (male) - Keyhaven Marshes
On reaching Keyhaven Lagoon, I was pleased to find one of my two target species present - Avocet. It would seem that they've had some breeding success this year.
Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta) - Keyhaven Marshes
Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta) (immature) - Keyhaven Marshes |
My other target species was Little Tern. However, I was informed by a local birdwatcher that these had transferred to Normandy Pool at the eastern end of the reserve.
Here are a couple of the supporting cast on Keyhaven Lagoon.
Black-headed Gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) - Keyhaven Marshes
Little Egret (Egretta garzetta) - Keyhaven Marshes
I had about two hours here before heading back to my car. More butterflies were seen from the path to the car park although I failed, after fifteen minutes or so of attempts, to photograph a Marbled White. I saw many Gatekeepers and they were all male, with the dark 'sex brand' on the upper side of the forewing.
Gatekeeper (Pyronia tithonus) (male) - Keyhaven Marshes
Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) - Keyhaven Marshes
Small Copper (Lycaena phlaeas) - Keyhaven Marshes
My plan was to
have my picnic lunch at the Hatchet Moor car park and then possibly go and meet
up with the girls as I'd promised them that I'd be back in time to take our
granddaughter to the ice cream shop in Lyndhurst before 16.00. However, while eating my lunch there, I got a
message to say that they'd already been for an ice cream. This gave me a change
of plan - I'd head a couple of km down the road and visit Crockford Stream,
which is reckoned to be one of the best dragonfly spots in England.
There are five species of odonata that can almost be guaranteed here at this time of year, and are not likely to be found near my home, and these are Beautiful Demoiselle, Southern Damselfly, Small Red Damselfly, Golden-ringed Dragonfly, and Keeled Skimmer.
As I parked my car, it started raining quite heavily. Fortunately the rain
only lasted for about ten minutes, so I collected up my kit and set off for the
stream. It was dull and breezy to start with, but things settled down a bit and it got sunnier and warmer. However, photography was not easy as things were blowing around in the breeze.
I had about three hours at Crockford stream and, with improving weather, it
did not disappoint.
Beautiful Demoiselle is a gorgeous damselfly and, to my mind, although very different, both sexes are equally attractive. There were plenty of males around. Females, however are harder to find.
Beautiful Demoiselle (Calopteryx virgo) (female) - Crockford Stream
Beautiful Demoiselle (Calopteryx virgo) (male) - Crockford Stream |
Both sexes have a habit of flicking open their wings occasionally, and I just managed to catch this with a male.
Beautiful Demoiselle (Calopteryx virgo) (male) - Crockford Stream |
I also managed some video of this behaviour.
The Southern Damselfly is very similar to other blue damselflies, but has distinguishing markings on the second segment of the abdomen. It is a rare and very localised species with two main strongholds - the New Forest and a location in Wales - and a few lesser colonies elsewhere. I only found males on this occasion.
Southern Damselfly (Coenagrion mercuriale) (male) - Crockford Stream
The Small Red Damselfly is also a little rare, and I felt lucky to find this species as it has a reputation of shunning breezy weather.
Small Red Damselfly (Ceriagrion tenellum) (male+female in cop)- Crockford Stream
Small Red Damselfly (Ceriagrion tenellum) (male)- Crockford Stream |
I did take a break at one point to have a chat with a group of four people which included Paul Ritchie. It was Paul who originally introduced me to Crockford Stream six years ago, when I hired his services as a dragonfly guide. I believe Paul still offers guided dragonfly visits in the New Forest, and I strongly recommend his services so, if you are heading that way, do take a look at
After our chat, I spent a short time away from the stream and went to seek out a butterfly target - Silver-studded Blue. This is a relatively rare butterfly in UK and has a strange relationship with ants, which is too complex to go into in this blog post. I found some, but they were mainly well worn, and difficult to photograph as they were in an open area where the breeze was quite strong.
Silver-studded Blue (Plebejus argus) (male) - near Crockford Stream
Back at the stream I was photographing Keeled Skimmer, which were around in good numbers. The female keeled skimmer is a beauty to behold, looking (from above) as if she is made of the purest gold. Sadly, the only female I found on this occasion was too busy with other matters to show anything but her underside!
Keeled Skimmer (Orthetrum coerulescens) (male) - Crockford Stream
Keeled Skimmer (Orthetrum coerulescens) (male+female in cop) - Crockford Stream |
The real icing on the cake was finding a Golden Ringed Dragonfly that was photographable. I'd seen one soon after I had arrived, but it flashed past and was lost. This one was perching. It did fly occasionally but came back to the same spot. I have found this species to be particularly confiding as far as close-up photography is concerned.
Golden-ringed Dragonfly (Cordulegaster boltonii) (male) - Crockford Stream
All my target species had been seen, and it was time to head back to base.
My timing was good as, soon after my return to base, it started to rain and
continued to do so for most of the evening.
In spite of forecasts for poor weather, the week was getting off to a promising start.
Thank you for staying with it up to this point. Part 2 should be considerably shorter and will probably appear, as usual, in about week's time. In the meantime, please take good care of yourselves and Nature - - - - Richard
Hi Richard! Absolutely fantastic photos and amazing subjects.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Anne. There was so much to see in this area!
DeleteWhat a superb cottage. I would love to stay there. Some brilliant sightings and photos. I really need to get back there. Maybe next year I can pencil it in. Yours photos have made this a must I think. Take care.
ReplyDeleteIt's a great place to stay, Marc, with some very good dragonfly spots within easy reach. Our daughter and granddaughter were in bedrooms in the old part of the cottage and Lindsay and I were in a modern extension to the side of the cottage which blended in very sympathetically. If you do go there, make sure you look at Paul Ritchie's web site as in my link above. It contains excellent information about locations and what to see there. Better still, hire his services!
DeleteBest wishes - - - Richard
Fantástico reportaje estival con especies muy interesantes y fotos extraordinarias. Enhorabuena Richard, un fuerte abrazo desde el norte de España. Todo lo mejor!!!
ReplyDeleteGracias por tus amables palabras Germán. Fue una gran área para visitar con muchos temas interesantes para ejercitar mi dedo del obturador.
DeleteDesearÃa poder enviarle algo de nuestro clima frÃo y húmedo, ya que parece que lo necesita.
CuÃdate bien - - - Richard
What a wonderful series and as always so difficult to choose which photos to comment on. I love that Golden-ringed Dragonfly it is beautiful. The Southern Damselfly is also quite lovely.
ReplyDeleteThe Avocet is an interesting bird and the beak shape is fascinating. I have never seen a Godwit, it seems we are only likely to see them here on migration so I will probably never get to see one.
The Japonica Cottage looks delightful, the perfect place to spend a few days with the family.
I hope that all is well and that the weather improves a bit, I gather it is quite cool over there! Very best wishes to you both. Diane
It's good to know that you found something in this very long post to interest you, Diane, and that you no longer have internet speeds that would have made it a real burden to download!
DeleteJaponica Cottage is a great base for exploring the New Forest. The large garden is laid mainly to grass, and there is a super summer house at the far end of it, that is equipped with comforthable armchairs, electric sockets, etc.
We're not doing too badly here, thank you, although Lindsay is going through a bit of a rough spell lately, and I am now able to see to write these replies after the effects of yet another injection to my right eye are wearing off !
There's no sign of our cold, wet and windy weather letting up, and they're predicitng that August will be similar. However, I'd rather have this than excessive heat. I hope that things are not too bad in your neck of the woods?
Best wishes to you and Nigel - - - Richard
Hello Richard,
ReplyDeletethe landing of the avocet looks very elegant.. the small hairs on the wings of the butterflies are a very successful detail, you don't see them when you walk by... and of course the dragonflies, they look best with the green background..
Greetings Frank
Hello Frank.
DeleteI have been thinking about you as I have recently processed some photos of Fallow Deer that I saw in the New Forest later in our stay, and I know how much you like deer! However, they will not be in my next blog post, but maybe the one after that.
I think that the main reason that I like photographing insects is that it allows me to see details (like those hairs on the butterflies) that one does not see with the naked eye.
Best wishes - - - Richard
Haven't commented for a while but again a stunning series of photos. Love the feeding Avocets & the special dragonflies in the New Forest. Crockford is the only place I've seen Southern Damseflies though they are quite common there. Fortunately can see the others closer to home on the Surrey heaths. Looks like you had a fantastic time .I think the sundew is Drosera rotundifolia.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words and the sundew ID pointer. Crockford is a very special place. The Surrey heaths are an attractive prospect and, all things being equal, I shall make a return visit to Thursley Common next year. I was last there in 2018, and had booked a short stay there last year but cancelled due to the weather forecast.
DeleteBest wishes - - - Richard
First things first, Richard. Please arrange to have one of those ploughman’s lunches (along with black pudding one of Britain’s great contributions to the world) packed up and sent to me. Better send two in fact, because I have no intention of sharing with Miriam! Another great break for nature watching and picture-snapping. So many wonderful photographs! The Golden-ringed Dragonfly is very impressive and such a great name too. Avocets are eternally fascinating, and this bunch looks like they all came from a bespoke tailor in their crisp black-and-white attire. On to part 2! Best wishes to you and Lindsay - David (I can feel the crunch of the pickled onion even now!)
ReplyDeleteThat ploughman's lunch was really quite special but, unfortunately, would be inedible even before it left UK shores, David. I'm sure that you could replicate it there! It was so substantial that I didn't need an evening meal that day, although I never felt that I'd over-eaten. I too rather like black pudding, but Lindsay can't stand it. She does, however, occasionally make me black pudding sausage rolls as a treat. They're simply small chunks of black pudding combined with sausage meat, wrapped in flakey pastry - delicious!
DeleteThe New Forest is a great place and, even when doing 'family things' with the girls, there were photo opportunites. It was particularly pleasing to me because I managed to get in some 'birding' for a change, as well as excellent dragonfly spotting.
My best wishes to you and Miriam - - - Richard
Precioso el reportaje, me habrÃa encantado estar por ahÃ. Besos.
ReplyDeleteGracias Teresa, seguro que te hubiera gustado y te hubiera permitido alejarte del calor de tu propio paÃs!
DeleteLos mejores deseos - - - Richard
The New Forest vacation certainly is off to a wonderful start, despite less than ideal weather conditions.
ReplyDeleteWhat a superb display of excellent photographs to enjoy!
Avocets are a joy to see any time! Ballerinas of the bird world.
All of the butterflies are lovely, but for me the Gatekeeper and Silver-studded Blue are exemplary! Likewise, I adore all the Odonata but that Golden-ringed Dragonfly is something special.
The cottage looks like a really comfortable place for relaxing between photo forays. Gini and send our best to you and Lindsay.
'Ballerinas of the bird world" - what a wonderful description of Avocets, Wally!
DeleteThe Gatekeeper butterflies seem to be bucking the trend, and having a very good year this year. We are, for the first time, even seeing them in our garden this year. The Silver-studded Blue, when in pristine condition, is even more attractive than my shots of a worn specimen would have you believe.
That cottage is very comfortable, with the main short-fall being the very small, but nevertheless exremely well-equipped, kitchen.
Best wishes to you and Gini - - - Richard
Hello Richard, what a nice post. I really liked the avocets, it's been a long time since I've seen one. The cottage you stayed in seems really cosy.
ReplyDeleteHave a good weekend!
I do not often see Avocet, Guillermo, but when I do it is always very special. They are such an elegant bird. The cottage was very comfortable, and we look forward to returning - maybe next year?
DeleteThanks and best wishes - stay safe - - - Richard
Hello Richard, so nice to meet up with family and spend some time together. That cottage you stayed in is so wonderful. No wonder you spend there more than one vacation and as I undertand it wo'nt be the last one. The insects and birds you took photos of are amazing and so beatyful. The photo in the header says it all.
ReplyDeleteTake care and regards from Belgium,
Thank you for your kind words, Roos. We had a wonderful holiday with family and very much look forward to returning some time - maybe next year?
DeleteAlso, there is so much wildlife of very different species to those that we see in our home neighbourhood to enjoy and photograph. It doesn't get much better than that!
Best wishes from England, where it is raining as I write this. Stay safe - - - - Richard
Hi Richard!! Lovely and varied series of pictures...I hope you are having a good summer.. In Spain too hot...
ReplyDeleteThank you, Ana. Here it has been rather wet and windy, and cool enough that we have had the heating on in the house. We should do a partial swap with you, I think!
DeleteBest wishes - take good care - - - Richard
Hi Richard, I am the Dragonflies, Birds and Butterflies, they are outstanding.
ReplyDeleteI'm delighted that you enjoyed them, Bob. Thanks and best wishes - - - Richard
DeleteBeautifl insects and birds. Have a nice day.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Caroline - you too!