Header image (while this post is current) - female Banded Demoiselle at Sence Valley Forest Park on 5th June, 2023
I was quite busy with my seeking the local Odonata in early June, but was also observing the goings-on in our garden. Here are some of my findings.
Thursday, 1st June Our Garden
This was a busy day for medical visits, with me taking Lindsay for a physiotherapy session in the morning, and then me having to go for an eye injection in the afternoon. These appointments took up most of the day, but I was able to see just about well enought to take a shot of this Bullfinch visiting the garden after my return from my eye appointment.
Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) (male) - our garden
Friday, 2nd June The Ivanhoe Way : Saltersford Valley Country Park : our garden
I had to take Lindsay for a mid-day appointment with her surgeon on the other side of Leicester. Fortunately the appointment was a relatively short one and I managed to get out mid-afternoon. Under strict instructions to take it easy for a couple of days after my eye injection, I took a gentle stroll at a location that I'd been informed of recently. This was a section of a local countrified walking route, which goes under the name of The Ivanhoe Way.
I wandered the route for a way, until I came to a section which ran through a rather uninteresting field, and then turned back. I was three quarters of the way back to my starting point before I started seeing a few damselflies.
Large Red Damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) (male) - The Ivanhoe Way |
Azure Damselfly (Coenagrion puella) (male) - The Ivanhoe Way
I then noticed a large dragonfly fyying quite high up near the adjacent trees. I watched it for quite a long time - maybe fifteen minutes - before it suddenly dropped down into the long grass about 5 metres off the path and some distance ahead of me. Miraculously, I managed to locate it, but only got a few obscured shots before it was up again.
Emperor (Anax imperator) (female) - The Ivanhoe Way |
I continued watching again for quite some time until it dropped back into the grass. This time I was able to find a better viewpoint and it stayed there for a while as it was busy munching on a ladybird that it had just caught.
Emperor (Anax imperator) (female) - The Ivanhoe Way |
It was an exciting end to the short visit, but I felt that I was ready for more, so set off on the short journey to Saltersford Valley Country Park.
I didn't find any photographable dragonflies there, but there were a few obliging damselflies waiting for me. This first one is a female Blue-tailed Damselfly of f. violacea, which will either mature into into the andromorph blue form or into f. infuscans - greenish, with brownish thorax and segment 8 of the abdomen.
Blue-tailed Damselfly (Ischnura elegans) (female f. violacea) - Saltersford Valley CP
This Azure Damselfly was resting with its abdomen unusually kinked. I wonder if it was having a post-coital rest?
Azure Damselfly (Coenagrion puella) (male) - Saltersford Valley CP |
This year, Banded Demoiselle have not been as easy to find at this location as they have been in previous years, although they seem to have done well enough at other local locations.
I include a video clip showing that wonderful flashing wing display.
Banded Demoiselle (Calopteryx splendens) (male) - Saltersford Valley CP
This next sequence, included in order to match friend David's expectations, shows a pair of Red-eyed Damselfly hooking up prior to copulation.
Red-eyed Damselfly (Erythromma najas) (male+female) - Saltersford Valley CP
I have occasionally been amused by shots of Large Red Damselfly with just the eyes showing either side of a leaf, and even attempted such shots myself. I couldn't resist taking this one of a Red-eyed Damselfly trying to get in on the action too.
Red-eyed Damselfly (Erythromma najas) (male) - Saltersford Valley CP |
On my way back to the car, this Speckled Wood posed quite nicely.
Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria) - Saltersford Valley CP
Back home again, I managed a shot of a Holly Blue butterfly. I have seen mention of Red Admiral butterflies having an exceptionally good year this year. However, my own observations suggest that the real butterfly winners this year have been Holly Blue, Gatekeeper, and Brimstone.
Holly Blue (Celastrina argiolus) (female) - our garden
Saturday, 3rd June DonisthorpeDonisthorpe is a parish just 3 miles (5 km) from our home. Two years ago, a Community Interest Company (a CIC has a legal standing) was set up to take control of an area of unregistered land to convert it to a wildlife area for the benfit of the community. It will then pass into full ownership of the CIC if not legally claimed by anyone inside ten years.
I was invited by one of the committee to visit this plot of land on this day for a guided visit, with a view to becoming a member of the group. This I did, and am now a fully paid up member!
Here are some of the things that I observed during this visit.
Not far from the entrance was a specimen of Fox and Cubs, which is one of my favourite wild flowers with its amazing colours.
Fox and Cubs (Pilosella aurantiaca) - Donisthorpe CIC Land |
False blister beetle (Oedemera lurida) on Ox-eye Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare) - Donisthorpe CIC Land
Dock Bug (Coreus marginatus) - Donisthorpe CIC Land
Hi Richard! Awesome photos.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Anne
DeleteBased on these fabulous images, Richard, I am left with no option but to anoint you as an honorary Doctor of Lepidoptery, with a minor in Sexology as evidenced by your continued ability to capture insects in flagrante delicto. Such a skill is denied to most of us and no doubt you have a nose for this. You even capture them resting with body bent from their exertions! I also am particularly attracted to the image of the Emperor with its captive lady beetle. Shots of "active" nature are always welcome in my book. I hope the new group takes off and that in the long term a new nature reserve will be created. All in all some wonderful pictures here. It's hard to beat perfection. With my very best wishes to you and Lindsay - David
ReplyDeleteThank you, David. Sorry for the late reply. The last 48 hours have been a bit hectic, with today being somewhat disasterous - car related. Your amusing comment is, therefore, even more appreciated than usual.
DeleteI'm keeping my fingers crossed for that new group, and will be interested to know how they intend to move forward as I feel that much more manpower and maybe an investment in equipment is needed. Sadly, though, I'm going to be away when they have their AGM. Best wishes to you and Miriam - - - Richard
Entomology was what I intended to say……
ReplyDeleteI suspected as much, but had difficulty accepting that your writing might not be perfect !
DeleteHello Richard, wonderful observations and photos of all the insects and bugs. Great details as well. Your camara is I believe a great succes. Hope your eyesight has improved with the treatment you had. Hope Lindsay is also alright after the vissit in the hospital. Looking forward to your photos of more present time.
ReplyDeleteWarm regards,
I am very happy with the new camera and lens, Roos, but a little unsure as to whether the maximum aperture available (f5.6 - f8 on a 100 -400 zoom) is going to capture enough light in the winter months. Time will tel!
DeleteLIndsay is doing really well now - thank you for your kind wishes.
Take good care - - - Richard
An even more amazing array of flora and fauna I feel this time Richard. I personally like in particular, the lovely little Fox and Cubs wild flower with its beautiful colours.
ReplyDeleteMy Kind Regards....Pete.
Fox and Cubs is so bright that, to me, it is a bit like the flames of a fire, Pete. At the moment, I am still very much into insects, but I suspect that it will not be long before birds rise to the top again.
DeleteThanks and best wishes - - - Richard
Dragons still have are your earner, Richard, the photos are sensations.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Bob. Sadly, the dragon season will start to close down soon, so I will probably be back to the birds.
DeleteBest wishes - stay safe - - - Richard
Hello Richard
ReplyDeletesorry for the late comment, I was on vacation for a few days and I'm back with nice pictures... the dragonflies and you, that's a kind of connection between you... simply brilliant pictures...
Greetings Frank
That's not late Frank, and even if it was, no apology is needed. I hope that you had a wonderful time away, and that soon you will be telling us where you went and showing us what you saw there. I await your blog post with eager anticipation! Your visit and kind words are very much appreciated - thank you.
DeleteBest wishes - - - Richard
Encantada de ver tu reportaje, me gustó mucho. Saludos.
ReplyDeleteGracias Teresa. Mis mejores deseos - - - Richard
DeleteTrying to catch up a bit. Sorry I am so far behind. Beautiful photos and I love the Fox and Cubs I have never seen that so a treat just to see your photo.
ReplyDeleteKep well both of you, Diane
I fully understand how busy you are Diane, with your wonderful garden demanding so much of your time, but producing fabulous rewards! I do not often come across Fox and Cubs in the wild, but it is always a pleasure when I do. I have even thought of buying plants for our garden to see how they do here.
DeleteBest wishes - stay safe - - - Richard
From Bullfinch to Hawk-moth, an incredible collection of photographs!
ReplyDeleteYes, once again, they are all favorites. All these odes make me feel guilty for not being out there right now searching for dragons and damsels. Best of luck with your new efforts at Donisthorpe. Sounds like there is plenty of potential there.
I know it is three months late, but Happy Birthday!
Gini and I hope the days filled with nature outnumber the days filled with medical appointments. (We're struggling with that same hope for ourselves.)
Plenty of potential at Donisthorpe, but I am concerned about the manpower resources, Wally.
DeleteI think I'll bank your birthday wishes as being nine months early for next year, if that's OK with you?
I think that, currently, days filled with medical appointments are 'even stevens' with days filled with nature, but I'm hopeful that the situation will improve, although, with winter approaching, the odds are stacked against us!
Best wishes to you and Gini - - - Richard